Guava Facts & Benefits
Guava is a juicy and tropical fruit which is easily available in the market. It’s highly nutritious, and also it’s inexpensive. Well, the most common type of guava is “apple guava.” We can use this fruit to make a dish also. We can use it in the form of Sause, juice, candies, snacks, and deserts. Guava is rich in the vitamin C, which helps our body to improve our blood flow. The guava tree’s lifespan is 40 years, and the largest plantation of guava Is in Brazil Dom Eliseo municipality. Few of us know that by boiling guava leaves, we can make healthy tea. To find out more about the history of Guava read Wikipedia and to see more benefits of fruits click here.
Here we are going to know facts of guava:
Beneficial fruit for health
Guava is a higher source of vitamin C. It means it is a full of energy fruit, the vitamins, and minerals of combination, which is beneficial for our health as we require. It fulfills 20% of vitamin which we needed for the body. Vitamin C contains 628% of daily RDA which makes the first choice.
Anti-tumor and cancer controlling properties
We all know that Lycopene has an anti-tumor or anti-cancer property, it contains a high form of lycopene. Lycopene saves from oxygen free radicals, so eating a guava, helps us to fight from prostate cancer. According to the scientist, It has a high level of antioxidant, a phytonutrient that makes beneficial for our health and as well as protects from cancer disease.
Balancing electrolyte
Guava has enough potassium to fulfill our daily requirement about 9%, which required to maintain sodium and fluid level in the body is known as an electrolyte. The electrolyte makes a perfect combination of sodium, potassium, and chloride. We can eat it after snacks and before snacks because it is a light session, a bit fiber it helps to balance the electrolyte.
Blood pressure and blood production
The potassium and Vitamin C, they both have an important role to play in cardiac health, as an essential element is a potassium which is maintaining the rhythm and function of all muscles in the body accept heart. The work of heartbeat is to flow the blood in and out of the heart, the balance of this rhythm which is maintained by potassium.
Eye and skin health
It is also rich in vitamin A, and it is a potent antioxidant so which is top recommended to improving eye health, with the help of it we enhance our eye health as well as its fight from sunburns, infections.